Verdiales-Festival of MalagaVerdiales-Festival of Malaga

On Sunday December 28, will be the celebration of the Festival of the Verdiales, at the fairgrounds Puerto de la Torre, from 12:00 noon.
The party, as a matter of competition, will feature a total of 30 pandas represent the three traditional styles: Montes, Almogía and Comares. The infant pandas also have their space and contribute to the evening a special performance.
The Festival of Verdiales began to be celebrated more than fifty years ago in the province of Málaga, forming a completely indigenous cultural event of peasant origin. The Verdiales consist of “a particular fandango sung and danced to the accompaniment of a small orchestra composed of a violin, two to four guitars, a tambourine, two or more pairs of cymbals (cymbals), several sticks (castanets) and in some their styles, a lute or mandolin. ”
Contestants verdiales are composed of a minimum of 14 components, and each year flock to the event dressed correctly typical verdialero uniform, with all its characteristic motifs and striking colored ribbons.
In this edition the winners will be provided with the following prizes:
• First prize for each of the modalities dance (baile de trenzaillo, flag dance, partner dance and group dance), and for every style of verdiales, worth 100 euros.
• Three prizes of 500-400 euros style Comares.
• Five prizes of 500-300 euros to the largest panda styles Montes and Almogía.

Scores are also part of the competition and will be shown to the public in tablets, with scores of 1 to 10, after the singing of each verdialera panda.
A party where folklore, tradition and history of Andalusia come together to enjoy their assistants and to keep alive the roots of our culture Malaga. If you do not know the dance or singing verdiales, we recommend visiting Puerto de la Torre on Sunday 28 December, certainly not you regret celebrate the Verdiales-Festival of Malaga!